The Vincentians in East Africa
Why are we Vincentians here in East Africa?
Because we believe that if Vincent DePaul were alive today, this is one place where he would want us to be. Today, Vincent would be walking the streets of Nairobi, Kampala and Dar-es-Salaam once again discovering the image of Christ in the poor. Vincent too would be visiting villages from as far north as Moyale, Kenya to as far south as Mbinga, Tanzania inviting young East African men to join him in his work of evangelization of the poor.
Finally, we want to help answer the challenge issued by the African Synod in 1994: “There is fundamental need for prophets to arise and speak in the name of God and in the name of the hope for the creation of new identity. Africa has need of holy prophets.”
Basic Requirements for Admission
- Baptized practising Catholic (Those who are abptized as adults, to have practised faith at least 5 years). Active in his local church or small Christian community.
- Know to be dedicated to the life of prayer and the Eucharist.
- Male, ordinary between 18 to 30 years.
- Academically capable, having completed secondary school with at least a C+ in the national qualifying examination( in Kenya the KCSE) or similar cumulative marks in the national exam of senior 6 in Uganda (Has Division II and above in UACE i.e 2principal pass and a subsidiary). We welcome college students, graduates and people with work experience.
- Someone who has demonstrated concern for others through acts of service in his community and church.
- Unmarried, never married and willing to accept a life of celibate chastity.
- Someone of good health with no evidence of diseases that will prevent him from engaging in a life of active ministry.
- Open to ethnic diversity, to racial and tribal differences as wel as the challenges of a living in a “mixed” community.
- Of generally sound character and willing to work hard and be fully engaged in all aspect of Vincentian formation.
- Possessing favourable recommendation from others, including his parish priest, family members, former teachers and employers.
- Has no unfinished debt and no criminal record.
Basic Documents Required for Admission
1. An initial Application form.
2. A photocopy of your Baptism and Confirmation Certificate, Birth Certificate and Identity Card
3. Your Academic Records
a. KCPE/ Primary School Leaving Certificate
b. Form 4 Certificate and Result slip for Kenyans
c. Form 6 Certificate and Result slip for Ugandans
d. Higher Training/ University/ Seminary Transcripts
4. Two Passport Photos and One Full Length Photo
Recruitment Process
The recruiting process usually lasts about 12 months from the time of initial contact between the Vocation Director and the candidate.
Recruitment Process
Vocation Director
Congregation of the Mission ( Vincentian Fathers and Brothers)
DePaul Centre
P.O. Box 24749, 00502 Karen, Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa.
Tel: +254-710-771-104
Kenya, East Africa
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