VOW DAY of Allan Kamugisha, C.M,

VOW DAY of Allan Kamugisha, C.M,
Anthony Kioko Muthoka, C.M, Alex Odie Otieno, C.M.
On Saturday 15th January 2022, the Congregation of the Mission Kenya Region Joined our Confreres Allan Kamugisha, C.M, Anthony Kioko Muthoka, C.M, and Alex Odie Otieno, C.M in a colorful celebration as they took Vows to commit themselves to the Congregation of the Mission for the whole time of their lives. The ceremony took place at DePaul Centre in Nairobi Kenya and was presided over by our Regional Superior Rev. Fr. Edwin Mugwe, CM assisted by the Rector of DePaul Seminary Rev. Fr. Ignatius Mukanzi, CM. We thank Lord of Harvest for adding three more Laborers into his vineyard. Our Sincere thanks Goes to Our Superior General Very Rev. Fr. Tom Maverick, CM, Our Provincial Very Rev. Fr. Patrick Mc Davitt, CM, Our Regional Rev. Fr. Edwin Mugwe, CM, All the formattors at DePaul Centre and lastly to the Parents, relatives and friends of our newly vowed Confreres for every support they have given to our brothers throughout their vocation journey.
Here below are their Biographies of Allan Kamugisha, C.M, Anthony Kioko Muthoka, C.M, and Alex Odie Otieno, C.M
Allan Kamugisha, C.M.
He was born on 5th January 1988. He is 34 years old. He comes from a family of two children; him and his sister. Allan’s parents are Katushabe Levi (alive) and Kasemire Oliver (deceased). Allan was baptized at Bujumbura Cathedral parish, in Hoima diocese in Uganda.
Allan Kamugisha is an admitted member of the Congregation of the Mission. He is in his III Theology studies at Tangaza University College. Allan Kamugisha took vows in the Congregation on 15th January 2022.
Allan is a hardworking student. He wants to use his talents in teaching and doing formation work in diocesan seminaries. His hobbies are soccer and music.
Anthony Kioko Muthoka, C.M
He was born on 20th July 1990. He is 32 years old and a fifth born in a family of eight children. His parents are Michael Muthoka and Maria Goretti Wayua. Anthony was baptized at Mbitini parish, in the diocese of Machakos, in eastern Kenya.
Anthony is an admitted member of the Congregation of the Mission in his III Theology class at Tangaza University College. Anthony Kioko took vows in the Congregation on Saturday, 15th January 2022.
Anthony is a hardworking student. He wants to use his talents in preaching popular missions and formation work in the diocesan seminary. His hobbies are music and gardening.
Alex Odie Otieno, C.M.
He was born on 12th May 1993. Alex is 29 years old and the third born of his mother in a family of six children. His parents are Johnson Odada Njara and Gladys Achieng. Alex was baptized at St. Philip’s Mukomari parish in the diocese of Kakamega in western Kenya.
Alex Odie is an admitted member of the Congregation of the mission in his III Theology class at Tangaza University College. Alex Odie took vows in the Congregation on Saturday, 15th January 2022.
Alex is a hardworking student. He wants to use his talents in teaching and formation work in diocesan seminaries and as a clinical officer. His hobbies are soccer and preservation of the environment.
Thank you Allan, Anthony and Alex and welcome to the Vincentian family.

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