Summery of Strategic Choices-Newsletter, the Visitor’s Desk


Our Vice Province held its first Assembly from 25th June 2023 to 1st July 2023 at St. Mary’s Pastoral Centre in Nakuru. The assembly had 35 members of the Vice Province who attended as delegates. Several other members belonging to the Vice Province followed the assembly proceedings virtually.

The theme of our assembly was “Configured in the Spirit of St. Vincent” and coincided with the beginning of the 4th centennial celebrations of the Congregation of the Mission. Therefore, this assembly was for the most part a moment of rediscovery whereby the members sought to realign their mission priorities with the intention of our Holy founder St. Vincent DePaul.

The delegates engaged in lively conversations in a spirit of unity and shared purpose. They prayerfully reflected on the mission and vision of the Congregation, the resolutions of the 43rd General Assembly, and the strategic goals of the Vice Province. Key topics were thoroughly discussed which included: prayer and common life, formation and education, leadership and governance, sustainability and advancement, mission effectiveness and Vincentian identity, self-care and wellness. Out of these topics, the assembly came up with insightful ideas which have since culminated into several priorities for the Vice Province going forward.

Throughout the assembly, the members exuded a spirit of enthusiasm, prayer, and commitment. I applaud all the delegates for their synodal approach toward our first and historic assembly. The Vice Province of Kenya reiterates her commitment to advancing the charism of St. Vincent through works of seminary formation, parish missions, and direct service to the Poor. We are also at an advanced stage in planning for mission expansion to Uganda. We thus seek more prayers and support for the work ahead. May Our Blessed Mother – Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal intercede for our missions.

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