Today, as the Congregation of the Mission Kenya Region, we celebrate our existence in Kenya, with continuous commitment to train diocesan seminarians and priests in different ways at Christ the King Major seminary in Nyeri, St. Augustine Major Seminary Mabanga in Bungoma Diocese. and at St. Thomas Aquinas in Nairobi. We are also training our men for Vincentian Vocation at DePaul Centre Nairobi. Our existence here in Kenya is blessed with two parishes Namely; Holy Cross Thigio, St. Vincent DePaul Kamulu Parish in the Archdiocese of Nairobi, St, Vincent DePaul Giathugu Parish in Archdiocese Nyeri, St. Kizito Matisi Parish in the Diocese of Kitale and Our Lady of Assumption Indangalasia Parish in the Diocese of Kakamega, where we meet and serve the poor.
As Vincentians in Kenya, our activities are programmed to promote the holistic well-being of the poor and vulnerable people in all our apostolates by ensuring their spiritual, social, educational, and economic growth. These programs and activities revolve around the following Goals and objectives;
- Working in our own Vincentian seminary to form our own men who will continue to undertaker our mission in Kenya and Uganda.
- Working in Collaboration with the local bishops in providing Confreres for the formation of the diocesan clergy.
- Engage in parish work (Parish Ministry) as a direct response to the call to evangelize the poor as a missionary community according to Constitutions and Statutes and as directed by Regional and Provincial policies.
- Undertaking Parish missions (Popular Mission) in order to renew the faith of the rural poor in
- Create and participating in programmes that provide direct assistance to the poor in order to transforms the overall life-situation of the poor within the region of Kenya.